Friday, 30 August 2013

1st generation

OK, so it went kinda fast.
I know most people really concentrate on the beginning, take lots of screens and all, but I, um, forgot :S. I was too stressed to not fail the challenge, huh. Because, it's actually not easy! I honestly hope it will get better later.

Anyway, meet my "founder", Eve Genesis. She's already old, but she did bear 7 children, 6 of which were luckily twins. I gave her family aspiration, especially to get that sweet perk, "Super Fertility". Which kinda backfired, but more on that later. As second aspiration I chose romance to better woo men, and this in turn worked pretty nice. Unfortunately, with twin babies all the time and next to no money (seriously, most of the time I couldn't save more than 100$) she didn't really have time to romance. And even then, inviting men screw me over a bit, as kids kept being pissed off at mother for flirting. Leaving a house for a date wasn't an option, 'cause no babysitter... Moreover, while pregnant she was always too exhausted to take care of babies, not to mention clean the house. After awhile I caved and hired a maid, who happened to fortunately be a male (score!) and soon became a father of babies #6 and #7.

I don't really know how I did make it through, because honestly, that was my SECOND try. The first time
my poor mother died of starvation with only one child and second on the way. It was quite surprising, I thought it was going well, maybe aside from the fact that I blew my cash on love potions and was left with pennies. First baby had to sleep on the floor...
But, I was smarter the second time. I bought right off the bat everything needed for the baby and few things that could actually generate some income (easel and garden soil were really the cheapest, thank god for a money tree too). The thing I didn't expect was twins right away - they needed to share one bed and sleep in turns, which wasn't actually so bad after all. At least I didn't have to take care of two at once.

Twins turned out to be a boy, who I named Jacob, and a girl, with a beautiful name Sophie (SURPRISE, not Bella). It's a shame I don't do perfect genetics challenge right now, because they both inherited their mother's eyes and blond hair... If I recall correctly, Eve became pregnant again pretty fast, and wasn't in the mood to teach her toddlers anything. I'm honestly glad I downloaded those Toddler beds - they are way cheaper than actual cribs, and toddlers can let themselves out. They saved me lots of nerves.

I have a soft spot for Jacob really, not just because he's a firstborn (although that's a big factor too). He was incredibly helpful with everything, while his mother and sister somehow always ended up slacking.

Second pregnancy ended in, surprise surprise, another twins, this time two boys, named Ethan and Noah. From the start they both wanted to build their creativity skill really bad, what made me almost ecstatic, because no one else got time to paint and actually make some more money. But when they grow up to children they kept whining about piano and guitar, like seriously, every time they woke up these freaking wants were rolled. I hate Freetime EP... So again, thanks to cc, I was able to afford a keyboard and fulfill dreams of those poor boys. Obviously, in return, they didn't want to paint anything at all. Whatever.

At this point I got tired of twins ("already?"), so I cried tears of joy when a single baby was born at last, a girl Ashley. I found her facial features pretty darn perfect, so decided right away she will be my next heir. She was nice enough to give a crap about family income and paint some good art. And so, I could buy beds for the next Eve's kids (obviously twins) the last and the youngest, Emma and William.

William is such a girly boy. Game decided to give him pink clothes as toddler and those long hair... I wish I could change his sex. Maybe I will make him gay... But I'm pretty sure #2, Sophie, is a lesbian. Or just going through some college experiment stage, dunno.

When I saw Emma I actually had a hard time deciding whether she or Ashley should be a heir. She gives out really strong motherly vibe. But I guess she will have to settle for being an aunt. I went with Ashley for two reasons - Eve's birthday was coming close and I need those babies keepin' coming, so older one wins, and besides I didn't want another blond... It's not perfect genetic challenge so let's keep it diversified.

Either way, #1 and #2 were almost grown ups, Jacob got a job as a cook (his lifetime want, I went with that) and got promoted, and Sophie thankfully went to college. The only way family could afford to send her there, was by Jacob working his ass off and providing for everyone while failing miserably his classes. But it was all worth it, because I managed to save enough money to move whole family to a larger house too. Just in time, because there started to be a growing problem, when no one could make it in time to bathroom or I no longer had where to put another bed.

Place where the main Genesis family now live~ (I really like Veronaville neighborhood with those two houses lots, it looks great, although it's sometimes not very practical). Jacob moved out to have his own family, and as a nice touch I chose the old Genesis house for him.

So current household situation looks like this:

  •  Eve is a grandmother with 56 days on her back. She will help with garden and babies when they come.
  • #3, Ethan has a knowledge aspiration, so he will most certainly go to college when he will be able to, and pursue his music career.
  • #4, Noah is working as a reporter (I'm guessing for a music magazine), and I think it will stay this way until he grows up. He's the most active one and always have plenty of energy, so I want to keep him around as long as I can. He doesn't really want to go to college too, since I gave him popularity and fortune aspiration.
  • #5, Ashley started to date and I think she's on a good way to become a pregnant teenager (I'm so proud). For now I'm mostly building my "daddy network" with her, so she can just hop to bed with another one right after birth, without wasting time on searching and developing relationship. It's all about efficiency! For this purpose I gave her romance aspiration - I didn't think twins perk would be necessary. But still, for some mysterious reason boys doesn't want to start falling for her. Building up those relationships takes so long... I think the game is being mean.
  • #6, Emma, & #7, William will have their birthday soon, and I hope by that time there'll be some babies to take care for. I'm certain I'll give Emma a family aspiration, not sure yet about William. Maybe he'll get the same. He's kinda uninteresting, aside from looking like a girl, so I most likely just send him off to college.
Ufff. I need to keep those shorter. And I hope I will be able to make an update about #1, Jacob and #2, Sophie too. I really like playing Jacob's family, they are just so happy together, it's so nice to see. Especially after his mother's struggling. I wish she didn't end up alone, but oh well.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

100 babies challenge

Recently, I discovered something called "challenge" for The Sims 2 & 3 (I know I'm slow). And it is AMAZING.
But, let me explain. Basically, to make a game interesting (let's face it, after discovering every possible action and killing sims in every possible way, the only thing left is decorating houses) you give yourself a set of rules. You can come up with them yourself or search blogs and forums for them. Usually they have some "theme" added to them, not just general surviving, or breaking a record. Also, not so rarely, they require using mods, that I very much enjoy~. After a few hours of reading I found at least ten I'd love to do. And apparently it's very popular to make a blog alongside. Well, I liked this idea, because otherwise it's quite easy to forget where you ended, or what happened. That's why I created this page for my very own sim adventure <3.

First one I want to do is 100 babies challenge.
You can look for original rules on the internetz, yet I'm gonna use my "slightly" modified set. Okay, they're almost entirely different, but whatever. I wanted to do this more realistically, so:

  • No ageing off. If "mommy" becomes elder, I'll choose one of her daughters to continue her labour. If she didn't have any daughters theeen... challenge failed. I can use elixir of life tho.
  • In consequence, kids grow up when they grow up, so it doesn't matter if toddlers learnt all of their basic skills, what is their school grade and mood. This will make it more fast paced I hope.
  • I'd like to try to avoid it, but if I don't want to kill my mommy, I guess repairman and maid wouldn't be totally forbidden. But it also makes gameplay much easier, so I'll see.
  • I use InSimenator. This means teenagers are almost like adults, they can woo-hoo and have adult job. I really love this mod and can't imagine playing without it, but I hope it'll only add a little flavor and not make everything too easy. On the other side, I also added a risk of miscarriage, so I guess this might turn challenge more demanding.
  • I probably won't bother with choosing hairstyles, clothes and turn-on&off unless random ones will really annoy me somehow. I want to save at least a bit of time, and besides, I think it makes sense with clothes - they're poor so they wear what they can, very often things that was worn by their siblings.
  • Not really a rule, but I thought I will mention it - just like with clothes and hairstyles, I don't want to spend too much time on choosing a baby's name. So, because I'm lazy, I'm just gonna use 100 most popular baby names 2012 and pick out the ones I like, maybe add a few more.

There's obviously a version for a TS3 game, but I decided to go with TS2, because this way I can have all of EP and lots of cc installed without lagging like crazy. Oh, and I'm going to play in Veronaville neighbourhood (my favourite).

I think that's all. I'll see how it goes~.