Wednesday, 28 August 2013

100 babies challenge

Recently, I discovered something called "challenge" for The Sims 2 & 3 (I know I'm slow). And it is AMAZING.
But, let me explain. Basically, to make a game interesting (let's face it, after discovering every possible action and killing sims in every possible way, the only thing left is decorating houses) you give yourself a set of rules. You can come up with them yourself or search blogs and forums for them. Usually they have some "theme" added to them, not just general surviving, or breaking a record. Also, not so rarely, they require using mods, that I very much enjoy~. After a few hours of reading I found at least ten I'd love to do. And apparently it's very popular to make a blog alongside. Well, I liked this idea, because otherwise it's quite easy to forget where you ended, or what happened. That's why I created this page for my very own sim adventure <3.

First one I want to do is 100 babies challenge.
You can look for original rules on the internetz, yet I'm gonna use my "slightly" modified set. Okay, they're almost entirely different, but whatever. I wanted to do this more realistically, so:

  • No ageing off. If "mommy" becomes elder, I'll choose one of her daughters to continue her labour. If she didn't have any daughters theeen... challenge failed. I can use elixir of life tho.
  • In consequence, kids grow up when they grow up, so it doesn't matter if toddlers learnt all of their basic skills, what is their school grade and mood. This will make it more fast paced I hope.
  • I'd like to try to avoid it, but if I don't want to kill my mommy, I guess repairman and maid wouldn't be totally forbidden. But it also makes gameplay much easier, so I'll see.
  • I use InSimenator. This means teenagers are almost like adults, they can woo-hoo and have adult job. I really love this mod and can't imagine playing without it, but I hope it'll only add a little flavor and not make everything too easy. On the other side, I also added a risk of miscarriage, so I guess this might turn challenge more demanding.
  • I probably won't bother with choosing hairstyles, clothes and turn-on&off unless random ones will really annoy me somehow. I want to save at least a bit of time, and besides, I think it makes sense with clothes - they're poor so they wear what they can, very often things that was worn by their siblings.
  • Not really a rule, but I thought I will mention it - just like with clothes and hairstyles, I don't want to spend too much time on choosing a baby's name. So, because I'm lazy, I'm just gonna use 100 most popular baby names 2012 and pick out the ones I like, maybe add a few more.

There's obviously a version for a TS3 game, but I decided to go with TS2, because this way I can have all of EP and lots of cc installed without lagging like crazy. Oh, and I'm going to play in Veronaville neighbourhood (my favourite).

I think that's all. I'll see how it goes~.


  1. I like your modified version of the challenge. Good Luck!

  2. I really am going to have to try this. I like your modified rules.
