Wednesday, 4 September 2013

#1 Jacob & #2 Sophie update

I don't care that they're no longer a part of the challenge, I enjoy playing them. Besides, #5 Ashley is being stubborn and doesn't want to get pregnant. I need a break from her.

Let's start with #2, Sophie, because there's not really much to tell. She has a knowledge aspiration, so all she wants to do in college is study. I'm pretty sure I chose a psychology major for her, and if I won't change it, she's gonna probably pursue a law career. I'm still kinda pondering over a more science-oriented one... she could be a nice doctor too. She has two more years to decide anyway.

She only got 1000$ grant money, and somehow I managed to spent everything already (that bird cage), so I made her work at a coffee shop, where she met just the loveliest girl ever. They became friends almost immediately, and when I checked their chemistry it was triple bolts. Like wow. I guess this explains why Sophie couldn't be a heir~.
The only problem is, that this girl is working as a bartender, and apparently game doesn't recognize these NPCs as normal sims. Or maybe it's just being homophobic, I dunno. Anyway, Sophie gets once in a while a phone call from this Alex girl (unisex name, way to make family awkward), but she herself can't call her, because she doesn't show up on contact's list. Interaction pie-chart shows only a few actions enabled too, so this means I probably will have to find someone else. It's a real shame in my opinion, but I run out of ideas what to do about them.

Meanwhile, #1, Jacob is doing wonderfully. He already unlocked a permanent platinum mood, even though he didn't yet reach top of his culinary career. But, being executive chef isn't bad at all.
He made LOADS of money out of chance cards, and I could easily move his family to a bigger house, but I really like this one for now. They have enough space with only two kids right now, and besides, it has so many memories. Every time I'm remembering the time when I tried to fit fifth bed into this small room upstairs I tear up a little...

He had a bit of a hard time meeting a right girl, or any girl for that matter. The first one, Liliana Don't-remember-her-last-name, he found online and immediately invited her over to see what she looked like. This student, as it turned out, was surprisingly pretty for a townie, that's why I thought she would be a perfect choice. Jacob brought his A-game, all charming and stuff, and she in response reacted aggressively to any nice gesture. So, I gave up, thinking "welp, there's a lot of fish in the sea". Then, I found out my boy must be somewhat cursed and probably won't find a wife EVER. He had negative chemistry with each and every woman he talked to. For some strange reason ladies didn't fancy him at all... I mean, why? He has such a handsome, manly face. I was a bit worried when he was growing up, because he reminded me of Justin Bieber, but he turned out fine. Anyway, I considered hiring a matchmaker, but eventually just bought love potion. I mean, Jacob seemed to me like a kind who would wait forever for his soulmate, but I grew impatient. I went for Liliana, because she was the prettiest one and I believe it was a love at first sight for Jacob anyway. Love potion was just a catalyst.
I didn't even know she had a family aspiration (that's probably the reason why she didn't respond too well to his popularity aspiration), but it fits her and my idea of this family pretty well. I ended up changing a bit their turn-ons/offs though... I guess it happens, when you meet someone you fall for, you suddenly realize that you like blond hair, even if earlier you preferred dark one more.

I really, really deeply regret I didn't take any screenshots of their engagement and wedding party. I spend almost two hours decorating their house just to make it more special. They even went for a honeymoon to Twikkii Island. Jacob had a lot of fun, but Liliana was already pregnant, which is the most annoying thing on vacation, right? I feel like she spent half her time there throwing up. Poor girl.

Nevertheless, they got back in positive moods, Jacob was promoted right away (you know, because he did such a good job while being away) and Liliana finally started to show a pregnant belly. I almost got her a job too, but I felt she will be better off as a stay at home mom. I bought her a Restorable Car, so she could work on her favorite hobby, that is tinkering. I must say, seeing a pregnant lady repair an engine is amusing.

She gave birth to twins, because game just loves to torture me like that, Eric and Laura. They inherited their mother's genetics, and I hope they'll turn out beautiful like her. Jacob is acting as a proud and caring father.

Alright, so this family is just plain and simple, there's nothing special about them whatsoever. But after "challenging" family it's so freaking pleasant to try normal one again. You start to seriously appreciate having someone more around than just a miserable sim with bunch of miserable kids.
STILL, I'm gonna finish this 100 babies challenge. I hope next update will be about 2nd generation.

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